Thursday 9 February 2012

Shooting Schedule

Saturday 4th Feb - I shot all of my landscape and location stills today. Using the tripod was easy and helped the shots look like true stills however, I did occur some problems when i wanted to shoot shots that were higher up or at different angles as the tripod did not always adjust to how i wanted it too and so consequently some of my shots have become slightly shaky. However I tried to overcome this by keeping a steady hand and when editing I have cut out the sections that are not to a higher quality.

Wednesday 8th Feb - Yesterday i filmed the shots within the house that again built up location and established the setting. This filming also started to build up character types as peoples houses often show a lot about the family within them. The filming within the young girls room was also done yesterday which used the mise en scene to build up the characters background and personality and let the spectator establish their own opinion of how the character will be. 

At first I found filming quite hard as the camera took some time to get adjusted too but as soon as i got used to using it, i started to experiment with a variety of shots and became more confident within my filming.

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