Thursday 9 February 2012

Risk Assesment

I have assessed the location in which my filming will take place and there are not to my knowledge too many high risks that need to be documented however there are a few smaller risks that need to be acknowledged.

1. The fact there has been a snowfall recently has therefore resulted in icy conditions within the outside filming around the location. Because of this, anyone involved within the filming must acknowledge that sensible footwear and clothing will be needed to ensure safety.
Parts of the opening have been filmed in neglected land such as fields and so there is a strong chance of the possibility of nettles and thistles. This has been acknowledged and the company recommend that again attention is taken to wear clothing that covers all parts of the body as well as sensible footwear and first aid will be to hand offering a selection of anti-sting sprays if anyone is harmed after taking the above precautions.

3. Within the scenes that are shot in the house there are single steps throughout the building aside from the actual staircase. This has been acknowledged resulting in the awareness of the steps for camera men/women if they are walking backwards or doing quick movement shots.

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